Wednesday, June 8, 2011

How murals can stretch a small Baby Nursery

How murals with the correct colors pushing back the walls of a small baby nursery

Nursery Decorating theme is Dr. Seuss art

A reader of my blog was worried about having enough wall space left for murals when she all the furniture in her 10 x 10 nursery.

After creating a simple map, I found there that many wall available. Good sized murals can go on two walls. Keep them above chair rail height, because that is where they will be seen. Maybe there will be a space down to the word here and there, but most of the lower walls will be covered by furniture. This is going to be a cute baby nursery.

Mural # 1 | The crib wall

I propose a crib with a curved side that will eventually the head end of the full bed. The crib 4 in 1 looks perfectly centered on a wall. On the wall in the cradle, the mural will perhaps extend over the entire wall. The main subject will be on the cradle and the rest of the painting will ease off to the corners.

Mural # 2 | On the wall cradle aside this is where MOM's Chair will be and where the hall door is opened for a portion of the wall. The mural can be centered or expand the width of the wall.

Mural # 3 | Small Motif On the sideboard it doesn't want to be great artwork. A bit is you do not need in this small area. This would be a good place to hang out of a framed print of a Dr. Seuss character you have painting or painted.

The dresser dress up

This project can't be called a mural, because it is simply an extra attraction. The sideboard is a good place to expand on your theme, to add more color. You may not get more color. With two large murals and something about the dresser, this room have plenty going on. Part of how busy the room now seems depending on the colors that you used in the mural.

To paint the dresser

Acquisition of Goodwill or a yard sale to save money. It will be best if it has a clear front. Paint the breast a solid color that your one of your great colors, soft picks. Paint on the front, small themeatic characters on each tray. Or, a scene painting over the entire front. Ignore the cracks between load and paint the pulls as part of the design. Paint the finished Dresser completely with bright acrylic varnish when it is dry. That will keep the paint of rubbing or scratching. The right to be the point of when you stop your baby art achieved. Know when enough is enough.

How to choose colors small room for Baby art

Oh, the places you'll Go video colors that suit every baby, boy or girl. They also do well in a small baby nursery. Close this connection on your address line to view the video. It is several minutes long. v = IQRWeZy-S8Q & feature = player_embedded

The fresh colors you see are unlike early stories of Dr. Seuss. These are illustrated with mid to dark shades with lots of black. Often, white is included and there is a high contrast. These gloomy colors make the stories exciting to watch in books.

Seuss colours, as well as his words, are part of the charm of his stories. There is a reason he uses them. When he started, was Seuss stuck with black and white and maybe two other colors when printing. (He was born in 1904). Oh, the places you'll go, is a relatively recent work. Print the whole process was changed, making clear light colors use Seuss.

All this is a long way to say that when you have your baby nursery with large murals painted decoration, it is important to make big soft colors with low contrast. You don't want to jump the mural at the baby. Consider Cat in the Hat in a daycare. The cat is fine with are black, red and white, but you would not want much of him as a baby art unless you are willing to make for a hyperactive baby.

Here's what you need to remember: the more exciting your baby art is, the less you need it. That's it.

How to stretch a small Baby nursery larger with Paint

You have your mural theme and colors go for you, so why would you bother to a light color on the walls? Paint the walls very light before you start the murals. White is good. Not a stupid white, but one with a touch of color. For this baby nursery, because it is a dark room, try a warm, sunny white to compensate for the cool East light. Dr. Seuss used a lot of yellow in his art, so light yellow exceedingidely will work well. (I thought I would throw in a word of Dr. Seuss.) Think white with a touch of buttercup that this natural light bouncing will keep the walls instead of being eaten by a darker color of the wall.

That should cover all the bases. I hope I helped answer to your query, dear reader. I would definitely like to see what you do in that baby nursery. Send photos. Talk to you later

Dorothy and ebaby decor

Dorothy Ray is an interior designer who blog about baby nurseries writes. eBaby nursery is published every Tuesday. She offers theme ideas, directions for baby art and other information for young parents who are putting together their first baby nursery. Ebaby decor and they Welcome questions and comments.


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